
Assets (content_info.json) in ew-vod2cbm

The video content of a ew-vod2cbm consists of VoD video assets. Assets are added to the server and then added to the schedule of a channel (this is done either using the Schedule API or the Config) to the schedule of a channel. The way an asset is specified for vod2cbm, is using a file path or URL to either a directory that contains a content_info.json file or directly to a DASH OnDemand manifest (must end with file extension .mpd). The content_info or manifest file of the asset contains the necessary metadata to start processing it.

Asset requirements

The media tracks must be in one of the supported codecs and formats.

All assets of a channel must have the same GoP duration. That value is specified in the channel configuration. As a schedule is updated, all included assets’ metadata as well as the first part of each video track is loaded in order to derive a GoP duration for that asset. The metadata is cached for future use, while the actual video and audio media data is not.

Another requirement is that all media samples in an mp4 files must have the same duration. This is normally no problem if the content has fixed frame rate and a timescale that is compatible with the frame rate and audio sample rate.

Asset Track Matching

Matching of tracks in assets for ew-vod2cbm