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Test Output

Test HLS and DASH output without a repackager

The ew-vod2cbm service is targeted to provide a live stream to the ESB3002 repackager, but for testing purposes it is also possible to get media output that can be played directly with media players.

The supported output formats are HLS and DASH. The media segments are in CMAF/fMP4 format with subtitles in stpp/imsc1 format.

Direct HLS streams

A channel ch can be reached as an HLS live asset using the URL


The HLS playlist have SCTE-35 markers at the start and end of ad periods.

Direct DASH playback (new in v0.8)

A channel ch can be reached as a DASH live asset using the URL


The DASH format is the simple SegmentTemplate with $Number$ format and does currently (v0.8) not include any SCTE-35 markers.

View as combined VoD

It is also possible to view a channel as an VoD asset by adding an extra vod=1 query string to the URLs. This provides an HLS VoD playlist or DASH static MPD. In both cases each subtitle track is provided as a single big WebVTT file including all the subtitle cues.

Subtitle time track

To investigate timing and stitching of segments, it is possible to enable an extra generated subtitle track for all channels. This is done using the command line option -timesubs.