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ESB3019 - ew-vod2cbm releases

1 - Release 0.10.0

New features
  • Track matching to allow for more flexibility when adding assets to a channel schedule.
  • New contentTemplatePath parameter in channel configuration for specifying compatible assets. This is intended to replace and improve on masterAssetID.
  • New parameters to fine tune track matching via bitrate:
    • max_bitrate and min_bitrate specified on a track level
    • maxBitratePercentAbove and maxBitratePercentBelow specified on channel level
    • max_bitrate and min_bitrate parameters in content template level and/or global level
    • global parameters for setting bitrate interval
  • Global parameters can be set either as command line parameters or as environment variables
  • New parameters to set maximal live window
  • Remove defaultGopDurMS parameter and auto-detect GoP duration instead
  • Automatic extraction of GoP duration from assets to allow for matching
  • Support for HEVC video
  • Support for DASH OnDemand assets without conversion to ESF format
  • New structured logging and better integration with journald
  • Assets with a missing subtitle track are allowed. An empty track will be generated automatically
  • Assets with mismatch in audio language are allowed. Another language audio track is used instead
  • Audio only support both via CBM interface and for direct HLS/DASH output

See Upgrade for information about how to upgrade

Release information

  • Date: 2022-03-17
  • Type: Beta for evaluation and testing

2 - Release 0.8.1

Bug fix release
  • Fix: handle assets where subtitle tracks have no cues (ESB3019-80)
  • Fix: report configuration errors with proper JSON names (SUPPORT-10099, ESB3019-81)

See Upgrade for information about how to upgrade.

Release information

  • Date: 2022-01-07
  • Type: Beta bug fix for testing

3 - Release 0.8.0

GoP-based stitching and REST API
  • Segmentation based on GoPs instead of full segments
  • REST API for dynamic change of channels and schedules
  • Prometheus and health monitoring
  • DASH output for testing
  • Special live-time subtitle output for demo

See Upgrade for information about how to upgrade

Release information

  • Date: 2021-12-22
  • Type: Beta for testing

4 - Release 0.6.1

Bug-fix release

Bug fix: too small duration in SCTE-35 marker

Release information

  • Date: 2021-06-01
  • Type: Alpha bugfix for testing

5 - Release 0.6.0

First release of ew-vod2cbm.

Early release for generating live test content with SCTE-35 markers from recordings or other sources with fixed segment durations.

Output segments are generated by combining N segments, with variations of +/-N at an ad boundary.

Release information

  • Date: 2021-05-30
  • Type: Alpha for testing