
Inserting pre-roll assets

The specific query-string trigger for inserting pre-roll assets in VoD is pre=<URL>, but there must first be a general escape query part ewm=1 which will make nginx forward the request to the ew-manip server. The <URL> must be the absolute public URL that the client uses to fetch the preroll video, since this URL will be inserted in the combined manifest delivered to the client.

A complete request, to combine preroll-bumper with program could look like this:


Multiple pre= query parts can be added to combine more than two manifests. The service will then fetch all the manifests from the repackager and combine them into the appropriate manifest with multiple periods for DASH or multiple parts separated by discontinuities for HLS.

DASH manifest URLs look similar but must have the file extension .mpd.


DASH and HLS URLs cannot be combined with each other. For DASH, any assets can be combined, but for the best user experience it is reasonable to apply similar critera as for HLS. For HLS the following criteria must be met:

HLS Playlist Matching Criteria

In brief, the main and all the pre-roll master playlist(s) must match each other.

In detail, this means that:

  • For Renditions identified by #EXT-X-MEDIA: For each rendition in the main playlist, there must be exactly one corresponding rendition in each pre-roll playlist, and the following attributes (when present) must match exactly: TYPE, GROUP-ID and LANGUAGE. Unmatched renditions in the pre-rolls will be discarded.

  • For Variant streams identified by #EXT-X-STREAM-INF: For each variant stream in the main playlist, there must be exactly one corresponding variant stream in each pre-roll playlist, and the following attributes (when present) must match exactly: RESOLUTION, FRAME-RATE, CODECS, AUDIO, VIDEO and SUBTITLES. Unmatched variant streams in the pre-rolls will be discarded.

  • For I-frame playlists identified by #EXT-X-I-FRAME-STREAM-INF: For each I-frame playlist in the main master playlist , there must be exactly one corresponding I-frame playlist in each pre-roll master playlist, and the following attributes (when present) must match exactly: RESOLUTION and CODECS. Unmatched I-frame playlists in the pre-rolls will be discarded.

Playlist requests where the main and pre-roll master playlists do not meet all of the above criteria, will fail with an HTTP 400 error.

HLS Stream and Playlist Matching by Bandwidth

Typically there will be several variant streams that meet these criteria and and that differ only by BANDWITH. Within such matching groups (for example streams with the same resolution) the main and pre-roll streams are paired together by being sorted by bandwith in decreasing order. The same pairing method is used for I-frame playlists.